Monday on the Radar: Cooking is More Dangerous Than You Think and Extortionate Compensation Policies – Radar

Monday on the Radar: Cooking is More Dangerous Than You Think and Extortionate Compensation Policies – Radar

From the health risks of cooking to compensation for victims of extortionist policies: in radarBroadcast December 4, we will once again pay attention to different topics. In this article we tell you what else you can expect.

Cooking is more dangerous than you think

Great discussions about nitrogen in nature, but what’s the situation like in your home? How do you keep nitrogen and particulate levels low? A problem that many people underestimate, but it can certainly lead to health damage. Research has shown that two out of five Dutch people suffer from an incorrect indoor climate. While on average we spend 90% of our time inside the home. The biggest culprit? the stove. How it works and other tips for a better climate in your home. You’ll see him on the radar on Monday.

What does ASR compensation mean for all victims of extortionate policies?

After years of legal battle, insurer ASR announced it would set aside €300 million to compensate customers with extortionate policies. This applies to customers of ASR and Aegon, which ASR recently acquired. This puts an end to all ongoing actions against ASR. Other insurers, such as Nationale Nederlanden, still have ongoing cases. What does this move by ASR mean for these matters? Consumers Association responds in studio.

Acting as a malpractice surgeon

A FORMER dental surgeon is bombarding at least a hundred old clients with questionable bills. Although the invoices are from 2019 and are missing important data, the former oral surgeon is threatening collection agencies if clients don’t pay. While he himself owed huge sums of money to health insurance companies, he defrauded them through statements. For example, treatment of benign tumors is advertised significantly more often: 1,000 times more than the national average. Who is this man and why is he behaving this way? Fons goes looking for him.

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Fonz investigates the meaning or nonsense of fat burners that are heavily advertised on Instagram, for example.

Uncertainty about the wait time for additional orthodontic insurance

Let’s say you have supplemental orthodontic insurance, but want higher coverage because orthodontic costs are higher than you thought. It is possible for higher coverage with higher premiums from the same insurance company. However, it is not clear to you that you will have to pay the higher premium for an additional year, without being able to claim back the costs of the stent in that year. This is called surplus pay. Not every insurance company is equally clear about this. Will they amend the information provided about this?

Watch Radar on NPO 2 Monday at 9:25 p.m.

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