Microsoft rolls out a visual update for Microsoft Office – Computer – News

How often do we have to warn here that you do not buy licenses for little money. Often these are licenses purchased with stolen credit cards or from software such as MSDN and Dreamspark …. If they were purchased with stolen credit cards, they will be blocked upon refund from the financial institution. If it comes from software like MSDN, the keys will be disabled when that account is disabled. It is not that difficult.

An office license for 10 euros? This is simply not possible.

As long as seemingly reliable parties like De Telegraaf, AD or sometimes sell them for very little money, I don’t think you can say that everyone who uses this type of license is immediately mistaken. After that, these kinds of trusted stores generally had stopped doing this years ago, right? Although not for €10, but regularly ~ €25-40, less than 1/10 of what MS itself requires for the same package. Additionally MS (of course) always states that reselling is not allowed, but I don’t think this is expressly prohibited within the EU as long as you don’t use the resale license yourself.

Business (read: if you use Office in an environment where you make money yourself) I will always buy it directly from MS, you want to avoid even the smallest chance of problems with one of your software vendors. But I’ve privately done this a few times through major distributors and never had a problem getting a license suddenly not working anymore, even after about 10 years.

I would be happy to buy it especially from MS itself with a maximum of about 100 euros for the “buy” version, but the current prices (300 euros with Outlook) or the exorbitant subscription with OneDrive that I don’t use also suits me far. In addition, support (including extended support) has also been shortened from ~10 to ~6 years from the 2019 version, which means that in addition to this high purchase price, you also have to buy a new Office package almost twice as much as before. You want security updates. As long as it is not expressly prohibited by law (so not the MS EULA), such as illegal downloading, I will stick to those Office distributors; But a little more expensive via AD or Bol instead of websites .

I always buy Windows privately through MS itself because the prices are fair for the free upgrades and the support you get constantly :)

[Reactie gewijzigd door !mark op 3 december 2021 01:34]

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