Microsoft provides the Text to Image Cocreator function generally in Paint – Computer – News

I use Stable Diffusion myself, but the Dall-E 3 is a little further along than the models I use when it comes to understanding the router. You can throw a long sentence at it, and if the filter doesn’t have anything against it, you’ll get what you ask for. Whereas with SD, you have to do a lot to get what you want, tags instead of a sentence, and it’s hard to draw because the focus is 2 at the same time. (Then Comfyui can go ahead with the automation if you set it up correctly.)

Then also how diverse the model is, locally I regularly have checkpoints or Loras for different patterns or themes, and not one easy ‘claim box’ for everything. Like what I can find on Bing.

I highly doubt my 2080 can use a model like the Dall-E 3. That’s why I say it’s not up to stable deployment. A lot happens under the hood on those servers.

By the way, with the Bing app, you can also continue without those tokens, but a little slower. Every day I have 15 new icons, although it does not exceed that.
I don’t know about Paint integration, it’s still not available in my Paint installation (Windows 11, Paint was freshly downloaded from the Store.)

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned about people, it’s that the perception of convenience is worth a lot, and they’re happy to pay more (or at all) because they think it’s easy. Googling is too much effort for some.

Edit: Another point for Microsoft to offer it via servers only, if they release it for local use, their filter will disappear within a day, and they don’t want any association with what some people want to create in photos.

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[Reactie gewijzigd door ingmar75 op 30 november 2023 23:02]

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