Microsoft confirms it has provided a 10-year COD license to Sony – Gaming – News

Ascent, Valheim, WH40K, STALKER2 (even xbox-console only starting, imho for the money considering they’ve only been on PC for the past 16 years…), ARK2 are various examples of games that end up in the game. release day, but of course it’s quite a coincidence that they’re all XBOX exclusives, with Stalker 2 getting a late release for PC…

Can you name some isolated examples where that hasn’t happened, including Rocket League, for example, but those isolated examples are just evidence that neither of the two companies in question do this sort of thing; They both do and do it to the same degree.

Microsoft also does a timed exclusive, this doubles for games that have to be in the game pass from day one if need be… while it might also be said that because of the game pass for games after only a few weeks in (it’s sure to know how often you’re The state of the game is disappointing on the day of release) It should lead to more sales if the product sells enough…or someone who wants to play from day one only buys at full price if during the start/problem period of the game, there won’t be Half a trial can detract from the possibility of subsequent sale of that game.

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