Meta releases an open source browser extension to check WhatsApp Web – Computer – News

Released Meta Code Verify in association with Cloudflare. This is a browser extension that automatically validates the code on the WhatsApp Web website when users log into it. The extension is coming to Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.

Ensures the use of Code Verify according to meta So that users are assured that if they use WhatsApp Web, the code will not be tampered with. The parent company of Facebook and Whatsapp wants to make it more difficult for attackers to intercept messages from users using WhatsApp in the browser.

According to Meta, Code Verify is based on the concept of Safety of sub-resources† This is a security feature that allows browsers to verify that the content they download has not been tampered with. This only works for individual files, while Code Verify checks all resources on the full page, according to Meta. To do this on a large scale, Meta collaborates with Cloudflare

Meta has provided Cloudflare with a cryptographic hash of the JavaScript code for WhatsApp Web. The Code Verify extension then compares the code in the user’s browser to the code verified by Cloudflare. Comparing the hash to see if the code has been tampered with isn’t new, Meta says. However, the company states that the way this is done automatically using Code Verify and the scope in which it can happen now is innovative.

If the extension is installed, it will be automatically activated when you visit WhatsApp Web. Using the colors of the traffic lights, the extension shows whether everything is in order, or if there are problems. The orange circle appears when the network times out or a potential threat is detected. If the extension detects that the icon does not match, the icon will turn red with an exclamation point. Clicking on the icon should provide more information.

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Code Verify extension is available for Chrom And the edge† Firefox release to follow. According to Meta, the browser extension does not log any data, metadata or user data and no information is shared with WhatsApp. The company asserts that the extension also cannot access messages. It is an open source extension and The source code is on Github

verification code

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