Meta has revealed more details about the Quest 3 headset. The virtual reality headset, which Meta already showed off in June, will be released on October 10 for €569. In addition to virtual reality, the headset also supports mixed reality.
When set up, Meta Quest 3 opens to the camera’s image of reality and apps can adapt to that image. Additionally, users can scan their environment in 3D, and apps and games can then use surfaces in the environment to render objects, for example.
The headset is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 SoC, versus the Quest 2’s XR2. The Gen 2 has twice the graphics power of the XR2. The SoC has a modem that supports Wi-Fi 6E. What’s more, the LCD displays have a resolution of 2064 x 2208 pixels per eye, compared to 1832 x 1920 pixels on the Quest 2. They refresh at 90 or 120 Hz. Quest 3 will be released on October 10 for €549. This concerns the 128GB version. The 512 GB version costs 699 euros. Meta actually announced the headset in June.
Zuckerberg said Xbox Game Pass play will be released in December for the Quest headset. Microsoft 365 apps will also be available on headsets later this year. Next year, Augments will be released, which are small “holographic” applications that must remain fixed somewhere in space and thus be seen via mixed reality. The improvements provide, among other things, the option of placing a permanent digital photo frame on the wall.