Maurice de Hond Poll: The Volt continues to lose seats, VVD wakes up again

Maurice de Hond Poll: The Volt continues to lose seats, VVD wakes up again

The poll did not show many changes, especially in light of the circumstances. Volt lost two more seats (and is now at 5, instead of 10 two weeks ago). VVD regained 3 seats in these two weeks.
For other parties, we see shifts of a maximum of 1.

The article continues after the photo.

On Saturday, 17 permits were submitted to a sample of about 3,500 Dutch people aged 18 or over. The results are based on current voting behavior, which clearly shows that FVD voters clearly judge the war differently than other voters.

But the opinions of other voters on most of the data are not very different.

People are very pessimistic and although they are in favor of severe penalties, they do not expect much from them.

This always relates to the average score, where 5.0 means that all Dutch people strongly agree with the statement, and 1.0 means that all Dutch people strongly disagree with the statement.

you met Those tables with 17 statements are here too


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