Mark Rutte returns to the table at Today Inside | Displays

Mark Rutte returns to the table at Today Inside |  Displays

Prime Minister Mark Rutte will appear again on Wednesday 5 April indoors today. Wilfred Jenny revealed this on Tuesday night. The big farewell interview indoors today“, the presenter joked.

The Prime Minister joined the current affairs program for the first time in two weeks. The men at the table did not hand him over. Johan Dirksen, for example, said, “I think you failed.” However, Rota appears not to be shocked by the gentlemen’s approach, as he will be back on Wednesday, April 5th.

“We’ll have Mark Root again next week,” Jenny announced on Tuesday night’s broadcast. The big farewell interview indoors today. We also invited Gerard Goling, and he’s going The last lap to sing. It will be great fun.”

Mark Rutte © SBS6

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