Limburg couple (22) drown in American swimming pool | Abroad

Limburg couple (22) drown in American swimming pool |  Abroad

A 22-year-old woman from the waters of the city of Limburg drowned in an American swimming pool on Tuesday. Nahon police in the US state of Massachusetts say it was about a woman who had been working as an au pair in the village for ten months. Residents are now raising money for his parents.

It is not yet clear exactly what happened in the swimming pool, but police have denied a crime, write Local mediaHeart attack can be dangerous for limber. Police are continuing to investigate.

The woman was swimming in the private pool of the Gary Street Club on Tuesday She is a couple with family Served. The alarm went off at 3:00 p.m. When she was unconscious from the water and taken to hospital, she was pronounced dead. A day later, local police released his name.

Nahant is a coastal village of 3300 people on the east coast of the United States, on the peninsula near Boston, Massachusetts. DeLimburgse has been living there since September 2021 to serve as an au couple. In a short time he won the hearts of the small community and could read it Bo fund mPage where villagers started raising money for parents. Almost $ 10,000 was raised in a single day against the $ 25,000 target.

Nahanth is an American coastal village © Shutterstock / CiEll

The house in question

The house in question © Google

‘Friendly, funny and happy look’

“Elke is a friendly, funny and happy looking person who brings light everywhere,” says the fundraiser. “She loved the children she cared for and used every opportunity to go to new places and meet new people with her kind nature and appeal.”

According to the founders of the fundraising campaign, his parents recently moved to Limburg in Nahang for the first time. “Her parents now have to move back to the United States in a tragic situation,” they explain. Elke will always talk fondly about his family in the Netherlands and how much he loves it. As a community, we are proud to have known Elke for the past ten months and can only imagine the grief of his family.

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