KLM cancels up to 50 flights per day on weekends in Whitsun

KLM cancels up to 50 flights per day on weekends in Whitsun

Due to the expected crowds in Schiphol, KLM will cancel up to 50 flights per day on the weekend in Whitsun. The airline said passengers who have to deal with cancellations will be rebooked on other flights. More than 300 KLM flights will depart from Schiphol tomorrow.

KLM says seats are also provided on many other flights, so that passengers who miss their flight due to congestion can still depart later in the day. This weekend the airline is also trying an “alternative baggage process”, in which bags are brought on board later than usual. “This prevents the bags of passengers who do not ultimately make their flight from having to disembark later,” a press release read.

KLM says the measures are necessary “to contribute to a manageable situation at the airport and in its own operations”. The airline hopes passengers will understand the “exceptional situation” and is calling on other airlines to do the same, “in the interest of all passengers”.

Huge crowds in Schiphol

It has been very busy in Schiphol since the end of April. On Saturday, April 23, the first day of the May holiday, KLM’s baggage staff unexpectedly stopped working, resulting in chaotic scenes and a string of canceled flights. There were also long queues at the airport for the remainder of the May holiday, due to staff shortages and large numbers of travelers. According to Schiphol, fewer passengers were expected.

Meanwhile, the airport has concluded agreements with trade unions FNV and CNV Vakmensen on additional bonuses for employees who work in the summer. They receive a total surcharge of €5.25 per hour.

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The bonus continues until the beginning of September. After that, there will be an additional fee of €1.40 per hour for some employees. Menus, working hours, and transportation costs were also agreed upon.

Schiphol employees reacted very cautiously to the “summer bonus”:

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