Kaj: D66 must take the lead in tackling the division in society

Kaj: D66 must take the lead in tackling the division in society

The leader of D66 Kag called on the party members to take the initiative to end the division in society. At the party convention in Den Bosch, Kaag spoke of the need to break the “vicious circle of polarization in society” and fragmentation in politics.

The D66 conference was held digitally due to the increase in Corona injuries. Kags concluded the meeting with her speech. She said that “the stiffness, the roughness, the artificiality, the amplified contradictions, and the aggressiveness that go with them” worries her. In her speech, she did not come up with specific proposals about what D66 politicians should do about it.

She pointed to the danger to nurses, scientists and journalists. Politics also contributes to hardening, according to Kaag: “The House and Cabinet keep themselves caught up in the hamster wheel.”

I don’t know if the formation succeeded

Cage briefly discussed the formation. She reiterated that she believed it was in the national interest to co-form the Cabinet with VVD, CDA and ChristenUnie due to the resulting impasse. She said she did not know if cabinet negotiations would conclude. “We either do it right or we don’t.”

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