“It is remarkable that Renze Klamer chose RTL as the NPO boy.” | Media podcast

“It is remarkable that Renze Klamer chose RTL as the NPO boy.” |  Media podcast

AD Media podcastThe media panel discusses the hotness from the needle Media Transfer The Week: Presenter Renzi Clammer signs a two-year contract with RTL and is added as a talk show host. “It is remarkable that Renze chose RTL as the NPO boy.”

Renze himself also has a message for the makers of AD Media Podcast explaining why the RTL door is open for him.

An acoustic memorial to the weatherman Piet Paulusma. In addition, the tall trees By Jeroen van der Boom Again a lot of wind. His conversation with Sonja Bakker on TV was a complete mockery. Glory Amber Brantsen and media reporter Dennis Janssen are passionate about Hans Kazan for life.

Of course, the end of Margaret van der Linden’s talk show was also discussed. Is this fate waiting for her successors Khaled and Sophie? We look back at the first broadcast with Sophie Hilbrand and look forward to the future of the show.

The BZV Café also opened again this week. They talk about Wendy’s dress and Maud’s self-reflection. Prediction: Rob is left empty-handed and Jennine goes to Friesian “Steve Boss”.

I listen. To the weekly AD Media Podcast, in which TV columnist Angela de Young and reporters Dennis Jansen and Mark Den Blanken discuss all the major, peripheral and side issues in media. The show is in the hands of Manuel Venderbus.

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Renzi Klammer with RTL director Peter van der Forest.

Renzi Klammer with RTL director Peter van der Forest. © RTL 4

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