The lockdown that went into effect yesterday means that the frightening pressure on hospitals from Omicron will come later and become less severe. This says the head of the Kuipers of the National Network for Acute Care (LNAZ). “This buys you time and you are pressing the occupation now.” According to Kuipers, the Netherlands could use the extra time to administer the booster vaccines.
He builds on this prognosis that LNAZ is making with RIVM to develop hospital admissions processes. There appears to be a first drop between Christmas and New Years as a result of the lockdown. But at the end of the first week of January, Kuipers expects an increase in buying numbers again, because the omikron variant continues to spread.
Kuipers also emphasizes that there are many uncertainties in the diagnosis. This is because it is not clear how many positive corona tests in the Netherlands are now a result of Omicron. It is also uncertain how quickly the variable will progress in the coming weeks and months. Furthermore, it remains unclear whether people become sicker or less sick due to the new alternative.
The outbreak management team warned Friday that Omicron could lead to a rapid increase in the number of coronavirus patients in intensive care units, possibly to 2,000 to 3,000 in February. According to Kuipers, these predictions are also uncertain, but you need to take them into account.