Gerard Cox Criticizes Contemporary Music | gossip

Gerard Cox Criticizes Contemporary Music |  gossip

“If you want to pester me or go to bed, you have to play hip-hop,” Cox said. “Or rap. I find such nonsense. Very, very ugly.” According to Rotterdam, texts are usually incomprehensible. “And if you get it, it doesn’t chime in.” Kleinsma objects that rhyme is no longer necessary these days. “I think that’s a bad thing,” grumbled 82-year-old Cox.

But not everything is gloomy, he is happy with Davina Michel. “I was surprised to hear a song of a girl singing ‘It takes so long.’ And I thought that was very good.” A fun side effect of Cox is that the singer also comes from his beloved Rotterdam.

Robert Long is also discussed on the show. Cox and Long have been together for a long time and have become good friends. Cox said he received an encouraging message from Long at the beginning of this century. He had heard that Cox was no longer interested and wanted to stop performing. “I was very busy, so I called him to say everything was fine.” Shortly thereafter, Long died. “I was very careless at the time,” he says now. Cox described Long as a wonderful songwriter with a style of his own and a beautiful person.

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