Gaming Avance students on their way to compete in America

Gaming Avance students on their way to compete in America
Rocket League. Photo via Flickr, The Bearded Clock.

Win some more games. Then Jorijn van de Kamm, Olaf Timmermans, Tom Ohman and Hein Bennings or the ‘Avans Red White Blacks’ would go to America. A group of Avans students have been representing the University of Applied Sciences for a few weeks and have been winning back-to-back racquet leagues. The final battle of the European competition awaits this weekend, followed by the final of the Dutch student league a month later.

point Two of the four Avans students in the group say that when they are both very busy. No need to read further, especially with training for important matches on Saturday and Sunday. Rocket League pots await, which determine whether players are allowed to travel to the United States and represent the Avons there. If they win on Saturday and Sunday, they will join a group of top European teams. “We are doing our best. We are looking at how well we are doing and measuring ourselves by competing against other leading teams. That is also going well. Additionally, we are looking at the records of the other teams we have to compete with this weekend so we can respond to them,” says the accountancy and biology and medicine major. Laboratory research students Jorijn and Olaf.

In Dutch Student Union Gaming students from various educational institutions compete against each other in various e-sports, including Rocket League. Avans Red White Blokes are currently one of the two best teams in the Netherlands.

A month ago it would have been impossible for the team to be on the final day of European competition on Saturday. It didn’t work for the sluggish team. “Technically it didn’t go well. When we lost, we basically didn’t see what went wrong. We don’t see how to make it easier. When we went back to the site, things went much better after that and we won again,” says Olaf.

Avance Red White Blacks logo

The team’s first major game is on Saturday at 8 p.m. They then play in the Rocket League against a team from Roehampton University in London. If successful, the all-deciding final will be held on Sunday. Matches can be watched live by officials Twitch channel From Rocket League. 16,000 people watched it last week. It was great to know that so many people are watching what you enjoy so much,” says Jorijn.

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Next weekend schedule

Difference of opinion
From a few weeks on, a group of gamers officially represent the Avans. So far, this is mainly reflected in the fact that the students play under the name Avans, but soon they will also wear the uniforms of the University of Applied Sciences. Created Dissenting group Every Gaming Avans is available to a student or employee to join. For fans of Rocket League, games like League of Legends and FIFA. There are also competitions in the Dutch Student League. “It would be great to see Avans teams being formed in those games in the future so we can support each other,” the duo said.

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