Frericks and Van Rossem find it difficult to say goodbye to De Slimste Mens

Frericks and Van Rossem find it difficult to say goodbye to De Slimste Mens

Frericks and Van Rossem will still be around this new season, but will stop after the 2024-2025 winter season. Frericks can’t resist mentioning their farewell at the beginning of the new episode. “It’s good to see you, Martin. We announced this year that we were going to stop doing that. I actually thought it was a very difficult decision. How was that for you, Martin?”

Although he is usually known for his complaining, Van Rossem seems annoyed by him. “Well, I completely understand your decision, because you have to work hard. But hey, I’m just sitting here. In principle, I can do this for another million years without any major problems. But I still think we should both.” Finally, I should We all have to say goodbye. So yeah, I’ll miss that.”

Frerichs quickly decides to take a different approach. “Let’s not get too nostalgic. We’ll keep going for three more seasons.” Van Rossem can’t resist ending with a joke. “So, we still have ninety ways to go. It remains to be seen whether we will survive together or not.”

Perhaps a successor to Frerichs has already been found. Eric van Looi, who presents De Slimste Mens in Belgium, is interested in television work in the Netherlands.

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