European Union countries also consumed less gas by a quarter in November Economie

European Union countries also consumed less gas by a quarter in November  Economie
Gas consumption in the EU was also a quarter lower in November than in previous years, according to reports financial times. It appears that the bloc is becoming less dependent on Russian gas.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the countries of the European Union have been trying to become less dependent on Russian raw materials. For example, they get more gas from Norway, but they also consume less. The weather helped: it was warmer than usual in October and November, so we didn’t have to use the heater as much.

According to the research agency ICIS, this is also reflected in the consumption of Europe’s largest gas consumers. Our eastern neighbors consumed 23 percent less in November than the average for the past five years, while Italians consumed 21 percent less. France and Spain saw similar declines. Gas consumption in the Netherlands has fallen by a quarter to a third for months now.

In addition to the mild fall weather, higher gas prices also play a major role, according to ICIS researchers. Although the price of gas has fallen sharply in recent months, it is still much higher than the average of recent years. The high price does not encourage gas consumption.

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