Enjoying Others’ Pain: Why We Keep Laughing at Home Videos and Media

Enjoying Others’ Pain: Why We Keep Laughing at Home Videos and Media

Children cannot be directed

The context around your home videos automatically makes the photos funnier. You see a person or animal in a pose that looks normal, but since it’s a home video you know: It’s going wrong.

Think of a scene where a man tries to cross a mud puddle. You already know in the first second: You’re going to slip or fall in the mud bath. “Home videos can be compared to comic videos: someone starts something, persists stubbornly and still makes a mistake.”

Even though home video software was in its heyday in the 90s, videos are still alive and well thanks to social media like TikTok. “I think there are more home movies out there than ever before,” Boszhard believes. “Thanks to our phone, we can photograph everything.”

Do TV shows still have the right to exist? ZigBee thinks so. “However, I always hang around when I’m over him. And before you know it, you’re another 15 minutes away.”

Boszhard is still a fan of home videos. “It’s humorous, and I love that.” On Instagram, he still shares tons of videos every day of falls, blunders, or other crazy scenes. “I like to let people start their day with a smile,” he says.

Not everything gets its bottom line. “For example, something bad with children, or people in great pain. I like movies where the suffering isn’t so bad. What I like best are videos with kids: you know it’s automatic. Because kids can’t be directed.”

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