EA’s Origin launcher replacement for Windows is out of beta – Games – News

Game publisher Electronic Arts is replacing its Origin player on Windows with an EA app, which is leaving the beta version. The app is very similar to Origin, but should run more smoothly. Additionally, the EA app supports links to PSN, Xbox Live, and Steam to find friends.

EA says it makes the transition ‘as simple as possible’ It makes for Origin users. “By the time you receive an invitation to switch, all of your games and content, including what you’ve already installed, will be waiting for you in the EA app.” However, this does not mean that interested users should wait for this invitation. The The EA app has been available for download for some time now.

Remarkably, EA is still investing in its launcher unit, but at the same time is also moving away from it. in 2019 For example, are EA games back on Steam. Many of these apps still require Origin, which also starts automatically when you open an EA game from Steam. However, this does not apply, for example, to F1 2021 and also the upcoming Dead Space remake gets ‘Steam original’.

EA’s online store not only contains games that it develops and publishes itself. Other publishers, such as Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, THQ and Capcom are offering their games for sale on the platform.

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