Doctors finally find out what’s wrong with Hans Kazan: ‘We are very comfortable’ | Displays

Doctors finally find out what’s wrong with Hans Kazan: ‘We are very comfortable’ |  Displays

UpdateA week after he was hospitalized, doctors finally figured out what was wrong with wizard Hans Kazan, 68. He appears to have excessive stomach acid which has caused severe nausea and vomiting. “We’re all very comfortable,” says son Stephen Kazan.

The scammer gets his medicine and that sounds optimistic. “If that happens, he’ll soon be back to his old self, and he can get out of the hospital and start performing again,” Stephen said.

Hans Kazan, who lives in Spain with his wife Wendy and three adult children (with their family), was promptly admitted last week after being physically admitted to hospital for two weeks. I couldn’t eat anything† He quickly lost weight and became very weak. did doctors All kinds of investigationsBut only this afternoon it became clear.

Stephen jokes about it at first. , because he lost weight and all that, but of course we were very worried, especially because they couldn’t find anything. You think of all kinds of dreadful ailments. Fortunately, the doctors also ruled out a lot, but every time he hears: “No, we can’t find anything.” That was frustrating.”

In the end it turned out that there was an excess of stomach acid. “Every time he ate or drank something, his stomach acid built up. He was overrated. It caused cramps that made him nausea and vomiting. Now he can eat something again,” Stephen said of his father, who has four children and nine grandchildren. carefully and hopefully for a speedy recovery.”

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Stephen lives only with his wife Jamie and their son Oliver (6 years) in the Netherlands, the rest in Spain. They have been inundated with messages in recent days. “Hundreds, that wasn’t normal. Warmth of the heart.”


We are immersed in hundreds of messages, touching the heart

Stephen’s son Hans

Cancellation was difficult

Hans, who was still a workaholic, had to cancel all his planned lectures and performances due to the recording. Although he could barely stand on his own two feet, it was difficult for him. “Hans has only canceled once in his life and that was when he had a heart attack,” his wife Wendy told the site. “For the rest, he’d never canceled a performance in the fifty years he’d been on. Now we’ve had to cancel the whole class, Hans thought that was too bad.”

Stephen knows his father would rather go back to work today than tomorrow. You should never put them behind geraniums. He goes to the coffin. And his last trick would be that when they opened the coffin a few years later, he was already gone.”

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