“Dickpics” in “The Smartest Person”: “Marc Overmars Should Undergo Psychotherapy” | show

“Dickpics” in “The Smartest Person”: “Marc Overmars Should Undergo Psychotherapy” |  show

The discussion was initiated by Lieutenant Colonel Philip Fredericks after an innocent question in the photo gallery. In that round, eight images were shown in which the candidates had to find the link. After the pictures of Dick Advocaat, Moby-Dick, Dick Trume, Dickie-Dick, and (Uncle Jupp from) The De Dik Voormekaar Show, among others, the resemblance became clear: thick, or dick. Then Freriks joked: ‘I’ll just say these were eight pictures of dick.’ It’s very fashionable these days.”

“Especially at Ajax,” candidate Thomas van Groningen immediately added cleverly. For the ignorant: A penis photo is an image of a dick that is digitally sent, wanted, or unwanted. As is known, Marc Overmars exhibited sexually offensive behavior during his time at Ajax, including sending pictures of dick to female employees. After this behavior came out, the club said goodbye to the coach.

Freriks continued with candidate Danielle Kleon. He asked if she should take seriously the dickpics. author Albarol And Literary Football Magazine Hard grass, in the affirmative. I’ve had a few, yes, dick videos too. Not in a business environment with a difference in strength like Overmars in Ajax. They were strangers, so that kind of ignores you. It would be much worse for me if someone I know or work with sends an unsolicited photo or video.”
Philip Fredericks: “The strangers of the world sent you that?”
Danielle Kleon: Yes, via Instagram and Twitter as well.”
Philip Fredericks: But isn’t that really crazy? “
Danielle Kleon: It is. But somehow it became almost normal. Nobody makes a fuss about it anymore. Gary gets a lot of penis pictures. She made a folder on her phone. Once she gets a phallic image, she returns another one.”

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Philip Fredericks vs. a one-man jury smartest person: “What drives these guys, Martin?”
Van Rossum: “This suggests a rather serious psychological disorder. If you normalize that, I think it’s a very cool process. I think Ajax man (Overmars, ed.) should go through psychotherapy. I find it odd that it’s fairly normal. This has something to do with this plague and the fungus in our culture: social media. And it somehow seems to be inviting this deviant behavior.”

Also listen to AD Media Podcast. Taking a look back at the TV season, kudos to Renze Klamer and Rob Kemps’ new presentation job.

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