Details of Prince Philip’s relationship embarrassing members of the royal family in The Crown

Details of Prince Philip’s relationship embarrassing members of the royal family in The Crown

Phillips’ special friendship with Lady Benny Brabourne raised eyebrows in the 1990s. makers the crown In any case, they can already count on a few angry British royals, because in season five they focus more deeply on the alleged relationship between a prince and an aristocrat.

The prince spent a lot of time with this high-ranking woman, despite the 32-year age difference. The fact that no one was aware of the secret encounters at that time was especially startling. The outside world thinks that they are just friends, while those close know better. The two have been together for years.

‘Creators of the crown I think this is a relationship worth exploring,” says an insider. And whether they do, because the writers will have information about the extramarital affair. No one other than Natasha McCalone has been portrayed as Prince Philip’s secret mistress by asking this actor Standout from the series, the filmmakers make clear that it’s not about a silly supporting role, but rather a standout story.

The new season of the crown It comes out on Netflix in 2022. Property expert Justin Marcella tells you everything you need to know about the season in the video below.

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