Corona cases increased faster than last week | interior

Corona cases increased faster than last week |  interior

In the past seven days, 18,104 positive tests have been reported to the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). This represents an increase of more than 8 percent over the previous week. Then, within seven days, 16,732 positive tests were recorded. That was 3.5 percent more than the previous week. It is the largest weekly increase since the peak of the fourth wave in July.

The increase is greater in the Zaanstrek Waterland region. Last week, 514 people tested positive there, compared to 361 the week before. This is an increase of more than 42 percent. In Friesland, the number of new cases rose from 567 to 765, a difference of nearly 35 percent. In Gelderland-Midden, Kennemerland, Gooi en Vechtstreek and Hollands Midden, the number of positive tests increased by more than 20 percent. Altogether, more new cases were detected in 18 of the 25 security zones.

Because of this, risk levels are also likely to increase. These are determined every Wednesday based on the number of positive tests and the number of hospital admissions. Currently, five regions at the highest level are very dangerous. That would be eight if the map is now selected.

stricter rules

Flevoland, Amsterdam-Amstland, Rotterdam-Rigenmond and Haglanden will remain at the top levels. Drenthe, Joey, and Fishstrike may go up two steps at once, from anxious to very dangerous. Both Zaanstreek-Waterland and Zuid-Holland-Zuid, who are now both in gear, could go very seriously. Twente may go down from very serious to dangerous, as the number of hospital admissions is decreasing.

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The European Corona Card may also change for the Netherlands. This card, which comes again on Thursday, has four colors: green, orange, red and dark red. The provinces of North Holland, South Holland and Flevoland remain red. Overijssel and Friesland threaten to go from orange to red next week. The rest of the country will likely remain orange.

When the Netherlands turned dark red on the ECDC’s European service map in July, it was a reason for countries like Germany and France to introduce stricter rules for Dutch people wanting to cross the border.

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