Britney reunited with her dogs | stars

Britney reunited with her dogs |  stars

According to sources, the maid, whose identity has not been known, has not worked for Spears since the incident. It was previously reported that the two had a fight over dog care. The employee claims that dogs must be given special food due to intestinal problems. But Spears would give them leftovers and drink very little. It is said that the dogs are getting better care now that they are back home.

When the employee stopped bringing dogs home after visiting the vet, Spears reportedly became very angry and even aggressive. The singer has reportedly accused the housekeeper of working with her father, Jamie Spears, with whom she has been in a legal battle for years. The singer is said to have removed the phone from the woman’s hand.

On Thursday, it appeared that the police had opened an investigation into a report of the American singer’s aggressive behavior against one of her employees. Spears’ attorney Matthew Rosengart said there was absolutely no incident between the singer and her housekeeper. In a response to Us magazine, he described the allegations as “tap gossip”. US entertainment media sources said Spears did not want to speak to the police.

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