British police suspect 19 companies and 58 people of involvement in the Grenfell Tower fire in London

British police suspect 19 companies and 58 people of involvement in the Grenfell Tower fire in London

British police have identified 19 companies, organizations and 58 people as suspects in the investigation into the Grenfell Tower fire in London. The police in London, the Metropolitan Police It was announced Wednesday afternoon. The building burned to the ground in June 2017. It killed 72 people and was the largest and deadliest fire in the UK since World War II.

The identity of the suspects has not yet been announced. According to prosecutors, the suspects could be tried on charges of, among others, manslaughter, manslaughter, abuse of office and fraud. There is a possibility that suspects and eyewitnesses will be interviewed again to determine all evidence.

Police say the investigation into the fire is one of the largest and most complex ever undertaken by the Metropolitan Police. Police expect the investigation will not be fully completed until the end of 2026. Prosecutors hope to make decisions on charges by then.

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The story of Grenfell Tower

Sixty hours of firefighting

The residential tower consists of social housing. In one of the lower apartments on the fourth floor, a fire broke out in the kitchen, after which the entire building was engulfed in flames in a very short time through the facade panels. It took the fire team sixty hours to put out the fire. according to Researchers Fewer people would have died if the fire brigade had responded better.

It turned out that the fire brigade began evacuating residents too late, and even initially advised them that it was safer to stay in their homes. The fire brigade was not prepared for a fire of this size. Safety experts also appear to have previously warned that the building was a fire risk.

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