British Conservatives to vote on Boris Johnson’s fate Monday night | Currently

British Conservatives to vote on Boris Johnson’s fate Monday night |  Currently

Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party announced a confidence vote against the British prime minister on Monday morning. Johnson could cost his position, though he’s not afraid.

The vote of confidence will take place on Monday between 7 pm and 9 pm (Netherlands time). Party leader Graham Brady told Johnson of the vote on Sunday.

For a vote of confidence to take place, 15 percent of the group (54 parliamentarians) had to support such a vote. Brady announced that this threshold had been reached.

Johnson needs a simple majority of 180 MPs to survive the vote. If he succeeds, he will secure his position for a year. In that year, a new vote against it could not be started. If he does not survive the vote today, a successor will be elected.

Johnson has confidence to vote

The result will be announced immediately after voting. The British Prime Minister appears to be looking forward to a vote of confidence. He “welcomes the opportunity” to tell his side of the story and “end months of speculation” about his position.

In any case, Johnson has the support of his Secretary of State Liz Truss. “The prime minister has 100 per cent of my support to vote and I strongly advise colleagues to do the same,” she said. Truss is mentioned in the arcade as a possible successor to Johnson.

It is not entirely clear why the vote took place today. What is clear is that more and more MPs want Johnson to leave due to the “party door” scandal. Johnson is accused of ignoring his own Corona rules during lockdown parties.

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