Bridge collapse still painful for ex-professional footballer David: ‘You’ll see life differently’ outside the country

Bridge collapse still painful for ex-professional footballer David: ‘You’ll see life differently’ outside the country

Exactly three years ago today, the Ponte Morandi bridge in Genoa collapsed. David Capello, the former Italian professional footballer, survived the drama, but the thought of it still hurt him. “I suddenly understood what life is really about.”

Italian David Capello He was one of the people who drove over Ponte Morandi on August 14, 2018 when it suddenly collapsed. I was driving over the bridge, when I once saw the road collapsing in front of me. “I fell with the car and everything,” said Capello, who played soccer professionally in 2013.

his car fell about 30 meters And landed there on a pillar. Cabello managed to free himself from the car and climbed through the rubble to reach the rescuers. “I don’t know how the car didn’t crash. It was a movie scene, it was like the end of the world.”

So he has survived, but that comes at a price. “The anniversary is still very painful, especially as the anniversary approaches. I get angry when I see how little has happened in the meantime. Politicians are no longer interfering with it and the responsibility still rests with the road authorities.”


Having gone through this experience, you learn to see life differently. Suddenly you understand what the real problems in life are

David Capello

His outlook on life has changed drastically since that day. After going through this experience, you learn to see life differently. Suddenly you understand what the real problems in life are. You look at the whole world in a different way.”

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The bridge after the collapse.

The bridge after the collapse. © AFP


Today, relatives and authorities have taken care of the victims of the highway bridge collapse. By the time this happened three years ago (11:36 a.m.), the party attendees had held a minute’s silence, after which the city’s church bells rang and the sirens sounded for ships in the harbor. Those affected who lost their home after the avalanche three years ago threw white roses into the Polcevera creek.

The trial of the alleged perpetrators is still ongoing. A preliminary hearing will be held in October. Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi reiterated his government’s commitment not to allow such “tragic and painful events” to happen again. “In Genoa, the state violated citizens’ trust in institutions,” said Draghi, noting that the Morandi Bridge had eroded “the foundations of civilized coexistence.”

rain shower

On August 14, 2018, the central part of the bridge collapsed 80 meters deep during heavy rain. 43 people died in this accident and nearly 600 people living under the bridge had to move.

According to more than four hundred pages Transfer Errors in the design and implementation of the bridge were the main cause of the collapse of part of the bridge over which the highway was passing. Consultants who drafted the report called it “surprising” how little inspection had been on the bridge’s two pillars since 1993.

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