Bolsonaro breaks silence since the defeat of the Brazilian elections today | Currently

Bolsonaro breaks silence since the defeat of the Brazilian elections today |  Currently

Incumbent Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro plans to deliver a speech on the election results on Tuesday. Communications Minister Fabio Faria said on Monday that Bolsonaro would not comment yet in order to work quietly on his speech. It is not known whether he will recognize the election results.

The right-wing Bolsonaro lost Sunday’s presidential election in a volatile race. His rival, former leftist president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, won 50.9 percent of the vote. He himself received 49.1% of the vote.

In the run-up to the election, Bolsonaro suggested that he would not give in to the loss. But nothing has been heard from him since the results were announced. But Vice President Hamilton Muraw called Lola on Monday to congratulate him. Bolsonaro’s advisors were advising him to accept the outcome.

In many parts of the country, truck drivers closed roads on Monday to show their support for Bolsonaro. The president had previously lowered the price of diesel. Truck drivers are an important part of his constituents. According to Minister Faria, Bolsonaro wants to break the blockade.

Lula, 77, wants to improve the situation of the 33 million starving Brazilians now as quickly as possible. He also promised to prevent the destruction of the Amazon and strives for fair global trade.

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