Blizzard reveals World of Warcraft Dragonflight roadmap for 2023 – Games – News

Blizzard announces plans for World of Warcraft next year. The new expansion Dragonflight for mmorpg was released on November 28 and players can expect a total of six updates in the next year.

World of Warcraft gets a total next year Six content updates Blizzard writes on their website. These are two major updates that add a new raid and area to the game. In addition, four minor content updates are planned for 2023, adding new events, cosmetic items, and dungeons.

World of Warcraft players can expect the first patch early next year. Update 10.0.5 adds the Trading Platform, which allows players to collect new items each month for their in-game character. Every month new items enter the trading center and last month’s items disappear.

The first major update will follow in the spring. Update 10.1 adds a new area and raid to the game. The new season will also begin for PvP players and a new set of Legendary dungeons will be available. A new massive dungeon is planned for the summer, similar to the Mechagon and Tezavesh dungeon from Battle for Azeroth and the Shadowlands respectively. Update 10.2 should appear at the end of 2023, with another raid and a new area.

Blizzard wrote that with this schedule it wants to return to a Legion expansion cadence and the studio is aiming for an eleven-week update cadence. With the previous expansion, Shadowlands, Blizzard received a lot of criticism from gamers for going too long between content updates. Blizzard wants to change that with this new layout.

The roadmap for 2023 revolves around World of Warcraft Retail and is separate from the plans for World of Warcraft Classic. For the classic version of the eighteen-year-old MMO this year Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

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