Blizzard gives in-game money for €25 Hearthstone Card – Games – News

Blizzard Entertainment will refund in-game customers if they purchase the Drek’Thar Special Edition in Hearthstone. Because the card is weakened, the developer gives compensation to everyone who owns the card, including the “regular” version of Drek’Thar.

Anyone who buys Drek’Thar Cosmetics Diamond Alternative for €25 or 3000 Gold will get Patch 23.2.2 3000 gold is automatically deposited into their account. Blizzard always compensates players when a card contains nerf Receives, but usually with Dust, a coin editing of cards. Also in this case, unless it’s the paid Diamond Edition, whoever has the regular version of Drek’Thar will get Dust back in exchange for the card. With only gold packages can be purchased, not new cards directly of your choice.

The Drek’Thar Diamond Edition was part of a special promotion back in April. So Received Blizzard via Reddit Much criticism Critics say $25 or 3000 gold per game would be too expensive for a card that differs from the regular Drek’Thar only in appearance. Especially since other diamond cards can be won by completing in-game challenges.

A slightly controversial thing is the fact that Drek’Thar actually had to receive an ingaviness. The decks with this card have been whitewashed according to HSReplay Statistics You have an abnormally high win rate. By building a deck around this legendary card, two additional cards can be added relatively easily even before the last update disciples They are called. This has now been reduced to one additional function.

Update, May 21 at 13:50: The introduction to the article has been sharpened to explain why in-game money is returned to the card. The first paragraph has also been tightened. thanks for the Rainbow

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