Blaming mistake in Kabul on President Joe Biden: ‘Taliban offered US to secure city, Biden refused’

Blaming mistake in Kabul on President Joe Biden: 'Taliban offered US to secure city, Biden refused'

Washington Post sources suggest that the failure in Afghanistan, primarily to secure Kabul, is attributable to US President Joe Biden, not the Taliban. They offered the United States to secure Kabul so that it could be evacuated, but Joe Biden did not think that was necessary and left it to the Taliban.

When the US withdrawal plan appeared to be going on, the Taliban and Joe Biden (through military leaders) entered discussions about how to proceed. Among the main points discussed was the security of the Afghan capital, Kabul.

The Taliban and the United States knew that things could quickly sink into chaos, so a decision on this had to be made early on. The Taliban thought it was best for the Americans to do this so that they could move their people to safety. The Taliban actually assumed that the Americans would temporarily control the city, because there were absolutely no plans to take Kabul.

And here the Americans, or rather their president, Joe Biden, made a huge mistake. Biden seemed convinced that securing Kabul airport would be enough and given what gave the Taliban the key to the city, Reports Fox News.

Biden would have insisted on withdrawing on August 31, which could be complicated by having to secure a bustling city like Kabul. But what he actually did with this is people on purpose exposes to danger.

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Practically anyone can know what would happen if the Taliban took control of the city, especially if collaborators still had to travel through the city to the airport. Biden actually has his own (aid) forces and those from other countries thrown on blackBecause he likes to be Special deadline He wanted to keep it.

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