“Bills are on fire!”

"Bills are on fire!"

The Netherlands is not the only country where energy prices are rising. This actually applies to every country in what we call “the West”. Likewise in Scotland. But unlike our country, citizens take action there. How? By displaying and burning electricity bills significantly.

The Socialists have been ruling Scotland for some time now. Since these people are always talking about “workers”, you might think that they are actually doing something to improve a lot of “workers”.

Just as with us, nothing could be further from the truth. Lately in particular, things have gone wrong with energy prices that are simply no longer affordable.

The Scots are now so angry that they have begun to demonstrate en masse at the “energy regulator”. And in that protest, they all collected the electricity bills and then collected it deliciously set fire.

= https://twitter.com/Kees71234/status/1563412484459220992 “data service=”twitter”>

When they set the place on fire, they sang a song with the words they made themselves, “Bills are on fire.” In other words, the accounts are on fire.

Nice fun act to draw attention to this problem, but that wasn’t all the protesters did. As they demanded The regulator freezes energy prices. Everything becomes invaluable. If it continues like this, these people simply won’t be able to pay their bills anymore.

(The article continues under the call to support us in these trying times)

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The sad thing is that we in the Netherlands are of course in the same situation, with people seeing their bill double and even triple. According to experts, the bomb will really explode in January 2023, when a whole group of people suddenly have to deal with the new “flexible” prices.

How long will it take before the Dutch start demonstrating en masse? Or let our people quietly absorb?

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