Best Desktop Buying Guide – Tweakers

Best Desktop Buying Guide – Tweakers

In keeping with tradition, the Best Buy Guide team also wishes everyone good luck, and 2022 could be a better year for hardware than 2021, especially in terms of availability. The first trial comes with fire fast, because the first week of January is for CES. AMD, Intel, and Nvidia are all going to announce products, so there should be a lot of good in 2022. However, in this BBG, we’re focusing on what’s actually for sale.

We’ve rounded up three systems this time around. First, in part because working from home has become an established value for many, we’ve put together a desktop computer or work-from-home system, with three additional upgrades. If you prefer to work on a (company) laptop and keep your desktop for gaming, we have two gaming PCs at this BBG. The first is budget friendly, given the traditionally expensive month of December. The second gaming computer is for fans of high definition frame rates and resolutions. This comes at a steep price, because video cards, unlike processors, are still a bottleneck for availability.

As usual, the DBBG systems were put together in consultation with the Tweakers community. In the Gathering of Tweakers thread, everyone can give their opinion on the perfect system. A few weeks before publication, the BBG team is putting forward proposals for systems in Complete Systemen & Laptops-Forum. Then all forum visitors can give their opinion and discuss the changes. When writing and assembling the final BBG, we start from the comments on the above topics, our findings, reviews of associate sites and the experiences of trained colleagues on the forum and in Product Comments.

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Prices of the various components are retrieved from Pricewatch in real time and are therefore subject to change. Prices in tables are specified at the time of publication. If a part appears more than once in the configuration, such as two SLI or CrossFire video cards, it will be counted in the total price. All prices include value added tax.

Note: Not all combinations of devices have been tested. Where possible, we check the correct performance of the different parts, but we cannot guarantee one hundred percent compatibility of all components.

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