Avastars Friday Night Primetime Less Than 200,000 Viewers | Displays

Avastars Friday Night Primetime Less Than 200,000 Viewers |  Displays

SBS6 program Avastars It drew fewer than 200,000 viewers in prime time on Friday night, according to Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO) figures. In the main TV night slot, an average of 197,000 people watched the singing competition featuring virtual performers controlled by a professional singer and dancer.

Since its first episode, Talpa’s new show, hosted by Kalvijn, has already been on a downward spiral in terms of viewing figures. Approximately 304,000 people watched the kick-off at the end of February. The second episode attracted less attention and averaged 214,000 viewers.

An Avastars spokesperson said last week that the disappointing viewership numbers for Avastars are no reason for Talpa to intervene.

Watch the numbers

At the same time, programs on other channels were viewed much better. until I pulled out Policemen Maastricht More than 1.5 million viewers on NPO 1 and nearly 1.3 million people tuned into NPO 2 to test knowledge 2 vs. 12. The second episode of the programme traitors It was watched by just over a million people.

indoors todaythat after Avastars It was broadcast on SBS6, drawing an average of 935,000 viewers, according to SKO. Around that time, it was watched by around 621,000 people on RTL 4 Genk. for the NPO Program 1 In Van Duyn In the Backseat, which started half an hour before the talk shows, was watched by more than 1.1 million people.

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