At midday on Thursday, September 14, 2023 – Puzzles

At midday on Thursday, September 14, 2023 – Puzzles

Horizontal: 1. “Hey, __! Are you blind or something?” 6. “Dozens killed in a fire in the Vietnamese capital __” 9. Stubborn drink 10. Popular holiday destination 12. Frankfurter Buch__ 15. new idea 19. What the dog breeder is doing does not seem healthy 22. __ Naomi Birkin, poet 23. Harry from Blondie 27. I continue 28. I __ woman, hit Chaka Khan 29. “Concerns about the decline in the number of vaccinations against __”

Vertical: 1. Number of songs played 2. Strong pull 3. It was led by Ivo van Hove for a long time 4. “Thousands of dead in Libya after the storm __” 5. 17th century (church) painter. 6. Fits bed or body 7. Dirty shot from Janet Jackson 8. together 11. Great 13. ‘__Comes with dynamic power necklace’ 14. Place in 10 horizontally 16. White flag 17. to make yourself in __ 18. Regional battle 20. Fits the horse well 21. Russian river 24. __Scaggs, had a hit with the Lido Shuffle 25. Figure on the toilet 26. Pickle or epilar

Solution to the September 13 horizontal puzzle: 1. Singer 4. Leaves 9. Dolly 10. Powder 13. Sprinkled 15. Accumulation 17. EE 21. KI 22. Refueling 24. Approaching 27. Belt 28. Collapse 29. Presenter 30. Rank my head: 1. SAGE 2. NEPAL 3. EATING 4. POP SONG 5. ALL 6. PLOTTER 7. EYE 8. SATÉ 11. BLADING 12. TWITTER 14. REK 16. AGM 18. VIA 19. SKODA 20. UNDER 21. KNVB 23 Bottle 25. Die 26. Re in the middle: Vladivostok

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