Arjen Lubach and Merol in the final Flemish version Smartest man | show

Arjen Lubach and Merol in the final Flemish version Smartest man |  show

Final Flemish version of smartest person Two Dutchmen this season. Comedian Arjen Lubach and singer Merol have both arrived at the final broadcast, which can be seen tonight.

The game’s competition is familiar territory for Lubach en Merol, the stage name of Merel Baldé. The two actually participated in the program in the Netherlands, which was presented by Philip Frericks. Lubach even won the final when he competed in 2012.

The Dutch are two of the finalists who remain among the 34 finalists. Professor and intensive expert Gert Mayfrut is the only one to reach the Flemish Finals in this edition. The final episode can be watched on Play4, which cannot be received in the Netherlands.

The show is in the hands of Eric Van Looy, who has been the face of the show in Belgium since 2004 The smartest person in the world he is called. On social media, the Flemish are upset by the fact that two of the Dutch have reached the final.



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