Apple’s augmented reality glasses will get an iris scanner, according to sources | Technique

Apple's augmented reality glasses will get an iris scanner, according to sources |  Technique
The augmented reality glasses developed by Apple will be equipped with an iris scanner, according to reports the information Based on company sources. This allows users to sign in and make payments via Apple Pay.

Made by Apple, according to sources the information Using SensoMotoric Instruments technology. This German company was originally in 2017 takes over from Apple.

The iris scanner allows Apple’s augmented reality glasses to identify users. The iris of the eye is unique, just like a fingerprint. Glasses users, for example, can log into their accounts via the iris scanner.

Another app that accepts payments. Apple now uses Touch ID (fingerprint scanner) or Face ID (face recognition) for this. Therefore, the iris scanner may become Apple’s third biometric security method.

The Apple glasses are said to work with both augmented reality and virtual reality (VR). With augmented reality, images are added to reality, with VR users in a virtual environment. The design of the glasses is said to be similar to the Quest 2, which is a VR headset from the company behind Facebook.

It is still unclear when Apple wants to introduce augmented reality glasses. The prototypes of the device are said to have been shown to Apple management earlier this year. then became I suggested The device will be released this year.

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