Apple announced MacBook Air laptops with the M3 processor. According to Apple, these devices are 60 percent faster than MacBook Air models equipped with the M1 chip, while retaining the distinctive light and compact design.
Apple brings The company released two models of the MacBook Air M3 with different screen sizes: one 13-inch and one 15-inch. The predecessor from 2022, with the M2 chip, is available in the same formats. The main difference between these versions is the processor. The M3 processor should ensure that the laptop can handle heavier tasks and perform lighter tasks faster. Apple claims that working in Excel is up to 35 percent faster and video editing is up to 60 percent faster compared to 2020 MacBook Pro models with the M1 chip. No comparisons are made with the M2 chip.
In addition to a faster chip, the updated MacBook will have a better battery, Apple says. According to the tech giant, the laptop will last for up to 18 hours. It appears that the previous battery life was about 16 hours Tests from Tweakers. The laptop also supports Wi-Fi 6E. With this WiFi standard, the laptop should be able to download files up to twice as fast as its predecessor, according to Apple. Finally, the laptop can be connected to two computer monitors at the same time, while the previous devices could be connected to a maximum of one external monitor at a time.
The price of the 13-inch version is 1,300 euros, while the 15-inch version will be available at 1,600 euros. These versions have 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage space. There are also more expensive options available with more memory and storage space. MacBook Air models will be available starting Friday, March 8.
Apple MacBook Air M3
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