Apple continues to offer support for web apps in iOS in Europe – Computer – News

I don’t think it’s really clear what they’re saying is actually happening, anyway, their clumsy use of terminology (web apps on home screen) and citing the original reason.

They literally say, we removed it because we had to let users choose the browser engine, and then we got complaints and we let it stay and called it Webkit…

So either they will allow it and the browser engine of the user’s choice is used, or they are not adhering to DMA, or they have already removed the functionality for no reason and want to blame DMA…

I think it’s a bit of marketing to talk about the former and not mention the other browser engines to keep the focus on Webkit.

Why didn’t we mention why this is suddenly possible now?

Addressing the complex security and privacy concerns associated with it Web applications using alternative browser engines It would require creating a completely new integration architecture that does not currently exist in iOS and was not practical to implement given the other requirements of DMA and the very low user adoption of web apps on the home screen. Therefore, to comply with DMA requirements, we had to remove the EU Home Screen Web Apps feature.

It feels like an incomplete message given the wall of text explaining why it was removed, and then 0 information about why all of these points are now suddenly invalid.

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