Anger grows in Parliament over the upcoming cabinet over purchasing power: “I can’t go on like this” | the interior

Anger grows in Parliament over the upcoming cabinet over purchasing power: “I can’t go on like this” |  the interior

Part of the House is disturbed that the Cabinet, in many discussions with different ministers, always postpones all questions regarding purchasing power until spring. Cabinet first wants the latest accounts from the Central Planning Office to formulate an answer to all the setbacks in the honeymoon weeks.

With soaring inflation and energy prices, among other things, threatening to crush purchasing power and a Supreme Court conviction of a savings tax threatening the need for multibillion-dollar reform. The coalition and cabinet have already hinted that it will not be possible to salvage everyone’s purchasing power, and the focus appears to be on lower incomes.


But there are no concrete plans yet and MPs are tired of getting stuck in a cabinet wall on Wednesday. “I have a feeling I can’t go on like this,” SGP MP Staffer told Kaag on Wednesday during the debate on the Cabinet’s budget agreements. Umetzegt and Azerkan (Dink) also complained.

D66 MP Van Weinberg was in turn surprised by the way the opposition was referring to coalition parties that had already spoken out and surprised that the Cabinet itself had not yet indicated a direction. “I note that the opposition seems to be having difficulty with the fact that the coalition is not really finished with everything.”

Kaag himself thinks the House is asking too much about the setbacks that have occurred since the coalition agreement. She has not yet spoken to her fellow ministers about the exact scope of all the problems, and she does not want to prejudge this: “I refuse to go into discussions that are still going on in the Cabinet.” PvdA’s Nijboer doesn’t have to do that either, but he thinks it could be simple advice: “I think the House can be given some guidance.”

Also on Wednesday, anger emerged among MPs during a debate with Climate Minister Rob Gettin (D66). Parties from the left to the right called on the minister to quickly clarify the consequences of high energy bills. Due to unrest on the border with Ukraine, gas prices have skyrocketed. Families in particular, but also businesses, have to deal with much higher amounts. This causes all kinds of problems. Minister D66 also did not want to provide definitive answers until his moment of choice, later this year.

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