American deported on suspicion of Bergen assassination | 1 Limburg

American deported on suspicion of Bergen assassination |  1 Limburg

An American suspected of involvement in a contract murder in Bergen in 2019 was deported from the United States to the Netherlands on Monday.

Suggests that Gelterlander Based on information from the Public Prosecution Service.

Three Americans are suspected in the case. It is not clear which of the three suspects was involved. The men are from Connecticut, Mississippi and Colorado. The other two U.S. suspects are expected to be deported to the Netherlands next week. They will be arraigned in Rormont Court.

On November 26, 2019, German Thomas Schwarz, 58, was assassinated at his home in Rofstrod, Bergen. This is the Swiss businessman Lucas F. (Now 51) The set contract would be murder. The Swiss national and the victim are said to have had a business conflict. He would get more money and eventually decided to hire the killers.

read more: And American suspects heard about the murder in Bergen

Deputy Sheriff
Three Americans come to the Netherlands at F.’s request to abuse Schwarz and eventually slit his throat. One of the American suspects was William Lyle J. (Now age 35), is a former deputy sheriff of the state of Mississippi. In Hottisburg, Mississippi in August, he admitted to driving his allies to Bergen. He denies further involvement in the murder.

read more: Former Sheriff: ‘I drove accomplices to the scene of the murder’

Not involved
The Swiss businessman was arrested in northern Macedonia in July 2020 and later deported to the Netherlands. During the unsubstantiated investigation, he denied any involvement in the murder.

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