America is becoming white – it has political implications

America is becoming white - it has political implications

The results of last year’s census have come in, and they confirm the impression many Americans have had for some time, whether they welcome growth or not: America is becoming more diverse, less and less white.

In comparison, the proportion of white Americans in the total population has been declining for some time since the 1960s. According to the latest statistics, more than 57 percent of Americans are still ‘white’. In 1990 it was 75 percent. The share of Hispanics doubled from 9 to 18 percent over the same period. Black Americans, the third largest group in terms of size, make up about 12 percent of the population.

But the 2020 census shows a complete decline in the number of white Americans for the first time. They are much smaller than they were in 2010 – a census taken every ten years in the United States. The total American population grew by 23 million people during that period, but that growth was entirely due to non-white Americans.

Now it doesn’t have to be the result of a lot of white Americans, they left or died abroad as a whole, however birth balance certainly plays a role here. Some social scientists have found a tendency among left-wing Americans in recent years: they are less and less willing to describe themselves as “white,” and more and more re-embrace the ancestry of their ancestors when determining their own ethnic identity. Mention how you identify yourself with the census.

New census, new volumes

Still, the overall trend is wrong: America is becoming more diverse. But what does that mean for the country’s political future? In practice, the new census data is the starting signal for rearranging the boundaries of most constituencies. The by-elections will take place at the end of 2022. The color of the House of Representatives, where Democrats are still in the majority, may change.

On the face of it, the new numbers seem like good news for Democrats. In recent decades, Republicans have increasingly become the party for white voters, while black and Latin Americans have found refuge with Democrats. The more ethnic minority voters, the more votes for Democrats, you might think. Broadly speaking, that is true, but in the district system of the United States, not every vote has the same value in practice.

The most populous states will get more seats in the House of Representatives in the next ten years. Now, much of the population growth is happening in major cities in the states that are Republican as a whole. The fastest growing cities in the country are Houston, Austin and San Antonio. All in Texas. These are mostly progressive strongholds compared to the surrounding countryside, but Texas as a whole remains Republican. Republicans decide where, when, and how new blocks are drawn.

There has been a lot of talk about the so-called in the United States in recent years JerryMondering, The practice of dividing the constituencies in such a way that the party in power can no longer lose. Population growth in Texas, for example, occurs primarily in areas that vote for democracy, yet will benefit Republican delegates in terms of elections.

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