(almost) all suppliers in a row: this is how you get 2 x 190 € energy compensation

(almost) all suppliers in a row: this is how you get 2 x 190 € energy compensation

To start with this: the list below is not complete. RTL Nieuws has rounded up the well-known names and among all the providers where you can make a contract with great comparison sites. We already published regulations with major providers last week, and now the list includes smaller providers.

the essence

“We will settle €190 with your installment amount and other amounts still due. We expect this to be done around November 15 and December 15,” an Essent spokesperson says.

So if you pay 300 euros per month, that means only 110 euros in November and December.


Eneco customers will receive €190 deposited into their checking accounts in mid-November and another €190 in mid-December. “It was not reconciled with the monthly amount,” says a company spokesperson.


Oxxio is short but sweet in his answer. They transfer 2 times 190. So there are no settlements in monthly amounts.

Oxxio: “We do not settle outstanding installments or invoices (as other suppliers do).”


“If you are our customer on November 1, you will receive €190 in November. If you are also a customer on December 1, you will receive another €190 in mid-December,” says Vattenfall.

The company reports that if customers still have a suspended account, the discount will be deducted from it.

The company does not do this with the regular November and December installments or the current payment arrangement. So if you don’t have any bills payable, you will simply get the €190 transferred.

From January, the price cap will take effect, so you will not receive 190 euros per month. This is how the price cap works:

green choice

Greenchoice will settle the amount with your deposit. “If your premium amount is less than €190, the remaining amount will be deposited into your account in November and December,” the company says.


Several companies reported that €190 is deposited separately into customers’ payable accounts, and therefore cannot be offset against the monthly payments. So is Engy. “In the fourth week of November and December, €190 will be deposited into your account or settled with outstanding amounts,” the company says.


And so it will be in Innova. Don’t settle in monthly amounts “because this is easier to administer”. So only twice 190 euros on your checking account.

He. She

Energy company HEM says it will not meet the November deadline “HEM will not meet the November deadline, because the government has taken so long. Many energy companies have experienced delays in processing this compensation scheme. This also applies to HEM.”

HEM chose to transfer €380 to the customer in one go in December. So it can’t be postponed until January.


Vandebron will then settle the compensation against your monthly amount. “Do you have a monthly payment of 300 euros? Then you pay 110 euros in November and December,” he told the company. “Do you have 120 euros a month? Then you get 70 euros from us in November and December.”

United Consumers

Also in United Consumers, there is a settlement like Vandebron. “If your down payment is less than €190, you will receive the amount on your account at the end of November and December.”

Energy Direct

“We will settle €190 with your premium amount and other amounts still outstanding,” says an Energiedirect spokesperson. “We expect settlement from November 15 and December 15,” he added.

Is your premium amount less than 190 EUR? Then you will get the remaining amount at the end of the month.


In Delta, the monthly amount is not settled, but is paid directly to the Paying Account.

when? “We will pay €190 for the month of November at the latest at the end of November to the account number known to us. €190 will be paid in December at the end of December at the latest.”

hello stream

Hello Stroom announced that it has not yet chosen a final arrangement. They say: “We are currently working on the best method and time of compensation. We will strive to make it possible to settle 190 euros per month with the client.”


Also in Mega, compensation is settled with the advance. Mega: “Save your money and then the difference will pass to you.”


Also shell settlements with the monthly amount. The following also applies to the oil collection: if the down payment is less than 190 euros, you will receive the remaining amount.

power peers

Powerpeers report: “We settle €190 with the next invoice. This can be your installment amount, annual or final settlement. If there are other amounts due, we will settle them with this (except for the payment arrangement).”

Coolblue Energy

A spokesman for Coolblue Energie says: “€190 will be deducted from the premium amount.” “If your premium amount remains below €190, you will get your money back at the end of November and the end of December.”

The support plan works differently for small and medium businesses. But this is not enough, consider these entrepreneurs:


The message from HVC looks the same: “€190 will be settled with an advance, if money remains, the difference will be credited to you.”


Tibber has yet to respond to several requests from RTL Nieuws. It is not yet clear how they will pay the compensation.

Total gas and power

No white smoke at Total yet. The company does not yet know how it will pay the compensation.

“Unfortunately, we don’t have an update on compensation yet,” Total says. “It is still an internal discussion. You will be notified once everything is complete.”

Free on name

“We are transferring €190, we do not pay it with the advance,” is the short but clear response from Vrij op Naam. So just put that money into the checking account.

And when? “It happens to us in the middle of the month, depending a little bit on how quickly the government gets us back.”

Solar Plan

Zonneplan also works with direct transfer of the amount. “We transfer €190 to customers twice at the end of the month, and it is not deducted from the advance.”

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IQ Energy

No clarity yet from the offices of IQ Energie. RTL Nieuws has sent WhatsApp messages and left voicemail messages, but has not responded yet.

energy for us

“At the beginning of November and December, 190 euros will be deducted from the advance,” said Energy Van Owens. “If there is money left, that amount will be transferred to the customer. Any payment arrangement will be honored.”

Zero energy

We will transfer €190 or the amount will be settled with the outstanding debt. So don’t settle with advance amounts, because that’s different from outstanding debts.

my energy field

With My Domain just as with Energy Zero. €190 in November, €190 in December, but if you have outstanding debts, it will be settled with that.

DJB Energy

DGB Energie is one of the companies that still doesn’t reveal how the money will be paid. RTL Nieuws requested the information by phone and email, but has not yet received it.

Therefore the energy discount is not handled in the same way for all energy providers, but inquiries with the Ministry of Economic Affairs show that all service providers are willing to participate in the discount. “There are no known indications that energy suppliers do not want to participate,” the ministry said.


It is also unlikely that your money will be in your account after January. “The allowance must be paid no later than 30 days after the grant of the support,” the ministry wrote. “So energy suppliers should settle the provision for November at the latest by the end of December and the provision for December at the end of January at the latest.”

And what if your supplier unexpectedly goes bankrupt in the near future? The ministry said: “So it is not immediately possible to determine what this means for the compensation of the customer. The supplier may have already paid compensation before the bankruptcy. In addition, customers of bankrupt suppliers end up with another supplier. In November or December) (the allotment reference date), they will receive the allowance from their new resource in that month.”

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