In parallel with the geopolitical competition taking place on Earth, the competition for space has quietly intensified. China, for example, has made great strides in its space programs and wants to lead Russia in challenging US hegemony.
Wu Weiren, chief designer of China’s lunar exploration program, recently announced that China aims to collect samples from Mars by 2030 and will also consider ideas for exploring remote areas of the solar system, the Global Times reported.
The announcement comes two years after China’s lunar probe brought samples from the moon.
However, Wu acknowledged that the task of retrieving models of Mars was far more challenging than lunar travel, and the first problem to be solved was to develop a more powerful missile vehicle. Collected 3.81 pounds (1.73 kilograms) of lunar dust and rocks from the Oceanus propeller near the moon.
China’s Chang’e 5 lunar model return mission sent lunar samples to Earth a year ago. When was this last done? Operations 20 and 24 ended in 1976, during the Soviet Union’s Luna spacecraft 16 (pictured). Review trips:
– National Aerospace and Space Museum (Aerospace) December 16, 2021
Chang’e-5’s mission marks the successful completion of China’s three – stage lunar exploration program, which began in 2004 with the orbit, landing and return of monsters.
The models brought in by China yielded some very important results. A decade after the recovery of lunar specimens, the success of the lunar exploration mission may have been the driving force behind the study, such as the retrieval of samples from Mars from the Red Planet.
Mars and beyond
In June 2021, China released a blueprint for future manned spacecraft to Mars, which should have three steps: the technological preparation phase, the manned mission to Mars and a cargo ship from Earth to Mars.
Flights are scheduled for 2033, 2035, 2037, 2041 and 2043, according to the state-owned China Academy of Vehicle Launch Technology (CALT).
Mars Exploration Tianwen-1, China’s first interplanetary exploration mission successfully launched into orbit on July 23, 2020. He achieved a remarkable feat of simultaneously orbiting, landing and crossing the red planet.
# China To announce #Mars planet Complete success of the mission
– libijian 李碧 (@ libijian2) June 13, 2021
Tianwen 1 was celebrated last month 1st Anniversary Celebration On the red planet. On February 10, 2021, the Tianwen 1 spacecraft entered orbit around Mars. Shocking footage of the event was released shortly after by the Chinese National Space Administration, which shows the machines slowing down the orbit behind Mars and entering Earth’s orbit.
However, rotation is only part of the mission, and a rover will land on the surface of Mars. Groups on the ground plan to try to land the Zhurong rover in the next three months by adjusting its runway to Tianwen 1 and sending detailed high-definition images of the landing site at Utopia Planitia.
Jurong eventually succumbed to his own fears and lasted for a while with nine minutes of fear before landing on May 14th. One week after landing, its lander proudly slipped into the crimson dust of Mars, conducting computer tests and exploring the area.
China is the third country to successfully land exploration on Mars, after Russia (USSR) and the United States.
Landing on Mars is one of the most difficult tasks in space travel. Since Mars, unlike the Moon, has an atmosphere, landers need to be protected from the heat that occurs during landing. However, the air is too thin for a parachute landing gear to slow down automatically; Retro missiles are needed.
In addition, the entire procedure must be completed independently. Of the 18 missions to land or send a rover to Mars, only 10 have been successful. Nine out of ten missions were led by NASA. A Russian probe landed successfully, but communication was immediately cut off.
However, China’s success and the very soft initial landing inspired me to first research samples from planetary research. He plans to explore the edge of the solar system and go deep into space.
It has been a long decade since China’s plans to challenge US dominance in space after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This year China is preparing to launch its own space station, making a total of 50 space launches.
American Mars Mission
America has long been a very powerful player in space, allowing its power to consolidate. First To announce In 2008, the space agency NASA sent a space probe into orbit above the Earth to study distant parts of the solar system, where hot solar air collides with frozen space.
Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) has begun a two-year mission to photograph and map the chaotic boundaries of the solar system billions of kilometers (miles) from Earth.
The United States began its own Mars mission two years ago. Mars 2020 is a rover mission to Mars and is part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, which includes the Percyver rover and the small robotic rotor intelligence.
Mars was launched from Earth by an Atlas V rocket on July 30, 2020, 11:50:01 UTC on July 30, 2020, and confirmation of a landing on the Mars Xero abyss was obtained on February 18, 2021 at 20:55 UTC.
Efforts were initiated to explore the history of geological processes and the surface of Mars, past habitat, the possibility of past life on Mars, and the possibility of preserving important fingerprints on accessible geological objects.
The study has already collected seven samples of Martian rocks. If all goes as planned, the Red Planet will catch and store hundreds of monsters.
A joint mission campaign between NASA and the European Space Agency will send these objects back to Earth, perhaps by 2031.
This means that both China and the United States will bring home samples from Mars on the same schedule. Many of the launches planned by both sides, including the respective lunar bases, are expected to take place in space for most of the rivalry between the two powers.
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