a missing car was found by Sylvain Rietveld (63); Find a dead man

Auto vermiste 63-jarige Silvien Ritfeld teruggevonden; ook dode man aangetroffen

The car that was found.

car that She was found in Suriname on Monday evening In the Barra district, it belonged to the missing 63-year-old Sylvain Rietveld. The body of a gunshot wound was also found near the car. It is very likely that he personified the sixties.

became Rietveld Missing since Thursday 24 November. He left that day in his black Audi Q7, from his club Satchmo in Livorno. Since then nothing has been heard from him.

Four days later, the Surinamese police received a tip-off that a similar vehicle had been spotted near Bouaka. After investigation it turned out that it was indeed the missing man’s car.

The police launched an investigation in the area, after which they also found the body of a man showing signs of the crime. The victim’s body was found beside a dug hole. Presumably, the intention was to bury him there.

The investigation into the discovery and identification of the dead man is in full swing.

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