A man in a ninja suit attacks an American soldier with a samurai sword | Abroad

A man in a ninja suit attacks an American soldier with a samurai sword |  Abroad

A soldier from a US Army unit was smoking a cigarette at night at Innokern Airport, north of Los Angeles. Suddenly a man appeared in front of him. Ninja suit, according to police. ‘do you know who I am? Where is my family? Understanding the victim. Then he was attacked and stabbed in the leg with a katana sword known to a samurai.

The sergeant ran away and jumped over the fence. Other forces were alerted. Meanwhile, the “ninja” also threw a stone through a window that hit another soldier in the head. The military personnel were at the airport because of the exercises.

The suspect turned out to be 35-year-old Gino Rivera. After the commotion, a chase for him set off. Rivera was seen on the road and ran. A stalker using an electric stun eventually caused the fighter to drop his sword on the ground. The man was later arrested. He has received several charges. American media reported that the two soldiers who were wounded are now in good condition. The accident occurred on September 18.

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