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The gas tap in Groningen could be closed permanently a few months ago, perhaps in April or May. State Minister for Mining Vigilbrief said this in the debate on permanent closure. The Minister of State said: “I am a big supporter of a quick lockdown. The chance of a cold winter day is no longer great.”
The coalition parties D66, CDA and CU and the opposition parties SP and GroenLinks-PvdA are pushing for a permanent lockdown from May 1 or earlier. Deputies believe that Groningen gas is no longer needed due to the approaching spring.
Until now, the government has assumed that gas extraction sites in Groningen will be filled with concrete from October 1. Fegelbrev says this date was chosen because it is the beginning of the “Year of Gas.”
First room
Feigelbrev supports a quick shutdown, but the House and Senate still must approve it. The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on it next week, and the Senate has already been asked to put the relevant law on the agenda as soon as possible.
There is widespread support in the House of Representatives to stop gas extraction. “It is a historic step,” noted Socialist Party MP Beckermann in the debate on ending gas extraction in Groningen. “It is a first step towards the rehabilitation of Groningen,” said CU leader Becker.
For years, there has been a call to reduce gas extraction for the safety of residents of the earthquake-prone region. Earthquakes have triggered gas fields and caused extensive damage to homes and farms for decades.
Many parties in the room are therefore very satisfied with the final closure, but remain concerned about addressing the damage to the homes and the promised rehabilitation. “Ceasing gas extraction remains the easiest obstacle to overcome in the way of recovery for the people of Groningen,” says Becker.
Vijlbrief talks about the “moral duty” towards the people of Groningen.
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