Martin van Rossem will also leave De Slimste Mens | After 2024 displays

Martin van Rossem will also leave De Slimste Mens |  After 2024 displays

Martin van Rossem will also join the program after the 2024-2025 winter season The smartest person Leaves. KRO-NCRV confirmed this on Monday. Lieutenant Colonel Philip Frericks also previously announced that he would resign. He will be replaced by Herman van der Zandt.

Van Rossem announced his retirement on Monday evening in a conversation with Telegraph. Van Rossem gives the reason for his resignation if Philipp Frericks also leaves the knowledge test.

Earlier this month, Van Rossem predicted he would like to continue serving as a one-man jury until he is 100 years old. “I will continue. With an oxygen bottle behind my seat. I plan to continue for at least another 21 years. And then I will live to be 100 years old,” he said in a conversation with this website. If all goes well, I will commit to this for another ten years.”

Frericks and Van Rossem have been making the program since 2012. Under their leadership, the knowledge test has become one of the most watched programs on Dutch television. A court spokesman said it was not yet known who would succeed Van Rossem as a one-man jury.

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