Huawei launches the P60 Pro in the Netherlands for 1,199 and 1,399 euros – tablets and phones – news

Google is clear about that. It’s also why they work with fuchsias.

Huawei really shouted at the beginning that it was made entirely on its own. And I also did everything to remove bookmarks on Android. This Ars article elaborates on this further:

To hear Huawei tell the story, HarmonyOS is an original in-house innovation – a challenging act that will allow the company to break free from the influence of American software. Huawei’s OS announcement in 2019 garnered big, euphoric articles in the national media. CNN described HarmonyOS as “competitor to Android,” and Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei’s Consumer Business Group, told the outlet that HarmonyOS is “very different from Android and iOS.” Wang Chenglu, Huawei’s head of consumer program, reiterated these claims just last month, saying (through translation), “HarmonyOS is not a clone of Android, nor is it a clone of iOS.”

Well, they are not alone. Amazon does this with FireOS, too. And other systems like Oculus and Pico aren’t really clear about their Android lineage either.

Although Amazon is more explicit about this if you search properly, here is another quote from that article:

Huawei is essentially in the same position as Amazon with FireOS, which is also a fork of Android. Here’s how Amazon handles it: The first two sentences of the “Fire OS Overview” page at read, “Fire OS is the operating system that powers Amazon’s Fire TV and tablets. Fire OS is a fork of Android, so if your app works On Android, it will likely work on Amazon Fire devices as well.” Searching for “Android” on the Fire OS front page returns 67 results. As of the time of publication, searching for Android across the entire HarmonyOS document collection yields no results. On the About screen of the HarmonyOS emulator, there is an Open Source Licenses link, but the page does not load.

[Reactie gewijzigd door GekkePrutser op 16 mei 2023 21:34]

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