An island in the Pacific Ocean wants to transfer dozens of villages to rising sea levels: “This is a tragedy.” | Abroad

An island in the Pacific Ocean wants to transfer dozens of villages to rising sea levels: “This is a tragedy.” |  Abroad

VanuatuThe Vanuatu government wants to move dozens of villages to higher ground in the next two years. The archipelago believes that the villages will be flooded due to the rise in sea level.

According to Vanuatu’s climate minister, climate change has made the move “inevitable”. Therefore, the villages on the coast that he had identified should be moved in case of danger to higher ground within 24 months. In the long term, the intention is that more venues will follow. “It will be a great challenge and tragedy for people who have to leave their ancestral land and move, but that is the reality.”

The archipelago is located east of Australia, in the Pacific Ocean, and has a population of 300 thousand people. About 60 percent live within one kilometer of the coast. In addition to sea level rise, Vanuatu is also suffering from severe storms, according to the minister. In 2015, half of the population was hit by a tornado.

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